Trails from Zero ~ In-Depth Review

Overall Score: +26
This game is really good. Yes, the first half of the game is somewhat more relaxed and almost sim-like, but it builds up the intriguing and epic second half, a second half that shows just how good video game stories can get. This is the best Trails game I’ve reviewed, and although my personal favorite remains Trails in the Sky the 3rd, Trails from Zero is a JRPG classic through and through. You owe it to yourself to play this game if you’re a fan of RPGs.
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Trails in the Sky 3 ~ In-Depth Review

Overall Score: +17
… it’s arguably the most character-centric entry in the franchise … Door scenes are tremendous; truly some of the most impressive storytelling across the entire Trails series …Not a lot of grinding in this one, which is great, though the last dungeon is a bit overtuned difficulty-wise … There’s just a ton of variety here, so many builds you can do and teams to try out due to the sheer size of the character roster.
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Final Fantasy VII Remake ~ In-Depth Review

Overall Score: +20
The remake manages to succeed where it matters most: embellishing the original and expanding its scope. The Migdar section of the original is retold here with authenticity…If I were to recommend this game to fans of the original I would start with the characters and music and how faithful to the original…